
Edit And Read.table On R For Mac

Edit And Read.table On R For Mac Rating: 8,1/10 1940 votes

[Total: 11 Average: 4.1/5] Did you know that it is possible to import (read) data into R directly from Mac OS X clipboard? Actually it is easier than it looks like, provided that you know how to address the Mac clipboard within the read.table function. The trick is to use pipe files. Pipe files in R can be addressed through the pipe function.

I've got a tab-delimited text file which I generated by pasting a table from an excel sheet into a text file and I'm trying to read the data into R on a Mac. I get the following output. Did you know that it is possible to import (read) data into R directly from Mac OS X clipboard? Actually it is easier than it looks like, provided that you know how to address the Mac clipboard within the read.table function. The trick is to use pipe files. Use a text editor, such as TextEdit or an enhanced version (I like Smultron), to edit a file containing your commands. Use the Mac OSX keyboard shortcut Apple:Tab to quickly switch between R and your text editor.

Next you need to know the proper name of the pipe file that corresponds to the Mac clipboard, which is “pbpaste”. Once you put that all together, you have the correct syntax for the read.table command.

Edit And Read.table On R For Mac

Read.table In R

I've got a tab-delimited text file which I generated by pasting a table from an excel sheet into a text file and I'm trying to read the data into R on a Mac. I get the following output system.file('path/to/file.txt') [1]' no lines available in input If I try loading the text file using the 'Source script or load data in R' button, I get: 1: col1 col2 ^ /path/to/file: unexpected symbol I thought this might be the tabs but then I added sep=' t' to my read.table line and that still doesn't work - any suggestions? The data is in the format of a matrix, with no entry on the first col/first row entry for the row names, which are the first column. Sound driver for windows 7. The easiest way I find trying to figure out this path stuff is to mess about: getwd() and setwd(). First, type getwd() in your R terminal. This will give your working directory.

Edit And Read Table On R For Mac

It also gives you an idea of how to specify the path to your file! The function setwd sets the working directory. Now you have the correct path in the correct format, you just need to use: ##For csv files read.csv(.) ##For tab delimited files read.delim(.) ##For other files - you can specify `sep` to ` t` if you wish.